
The following functions are convenience helpers for basic usage of the a71ch crypto chip with a more modern C++ style. For the full a71ch’s API, see the reference manual at


The following APIs can be used together with the full a71ch APIs in third_party/a71ch-crypto-support/, however, you must always call coralmicro::A71ChInit() first.

For example, this code shows how to use a variety of the available APIs (from examples/security/):

namespace coralmicro {
namespace {
void Main() {
  printf("Security Example!\r\n");
  // Turn on Status LED to show the board is on.
  LedSet(Led::kStatus, true);

  // Initializes the A71 chip.
  if (!coralmicro::A71ChInit()) {
    printf("Failed to initializes the a71ch chip\r\n");

  // Get the A71's unique id.
  if (auto a71ch_uid = coralmicro::A71ChGetUId(); a71ch_uid.has_value()) {
    printf("A71 Unique ID: %s\r\n",
  } else {
    printf("Failed to retrieve A71's unique ID\r\n");

  // Get random bytes from the A71.
  for (uint8_t random_len = 8; random_len <= 64; random_len <<= 1) {
    if (auto random_bytes = coralmicro::A71ChGetRandomBytes(random_len);
        random_bytes.has_value()) {
      printf("A71 Random %d Bytes: %s\r\n", random_len,
    } else {
      printf("Failed to get random bytes from A71\r\n");

  // The storage index of the ecc key pair to sign and verify.
  constexpr uint8_t kKeyIdx = 0;

  // Get the public ECC key at index 0 from the A71 chip.
  auto maybe_ecc_pub_key = coralmicro::A71ChGetEccPublicKey(kKeyIdx);
  if (maybe_ecc_pub_key.has_value()) {
    printf("A71 ECC public key %d: %s\r\n", kKeyIdx,
  } else {
    printf("Failed to get A71 ECC public key %d\r\n", kKeyIdx);

  // Get the sha256 and ecc signature for this model file.
  std::vector<uint8_t> model;
  constexpr char kModelPath[] = "/models/testconv1-edgetpu.tflite";
  if (!coralmicro::LfsReadFile(kModelPath, &model)) {
    printf("%s missing\r\n", kModelPath);
  auto maybe_sha = coralmicro::A71ChGetSha256(model);
  if (maybe_sha.has_value()) {
    printf("testconv1-edgetpu.tflite sha: %s\r\n",
  } else {
    printf("failed to generate sha256 for testconv1-edgetpu.tflite\r\n");

  // Get signature for this model with the key public key in index 0.
  const auto& sha = maybe_sha.value();
  auto maybe_signature = coralmicro::A71ChGetEccSignature(kKeyIdx, sha);
  if (maybe_signature.has_value()) {
    printf("Signature: %s\r\n",
  } else {
    printf("failed to get ecc signature\r\n");

  // Verifying the signature using the key storage index.
  const auto& signature = maybe_signature.value();
      "EccVerify: %s\r\n",
      coralmicro::A71ChEccVerify(kKeyIdx, sha, signature) ? "success" : "fail");

  // Verifying the signature using the key.
  const auto& ecc_pub_key = maybe_ecc_pub_key.value();
  printf("EccVerifyWithKey: %s\r\n",
         coralmicro::A71ChEccVerifyWithKey(ecc_pub_key, sha, signature)
             ? "success"
             : "fail");

      "\r\nSee examples/security/ for instructions to verify "
}  // namespace
}  // namespace coralmicro

extern "C" void app_main(void* param) {
namespace coralmicro


bool A71ChInit()

Initializes the a71ch module.

You must call this before using any of the following a71ch helper functions or the direct a71ch APIs (from third_party/a71ch/). You must also call this before using SSL features in Mbed TLS (from third_party/nxp/rt1176-sdk/middleware/mbedtls/) or before requesting an HTTPS URL with Curl (from libs/curl/curl.h).

std::optional<std::string> A71ChGetUId()

Gets the uid of the a71ch module.


The unique id of this a71ch module or std::nullopt.

std::optional<std::string> A71ChGetRandomBytes(uint8_t num_bytes)

Gets the random bytes from the A71.


num_bytes – The number of random bytes.


The random bytes or std::nullopt on failure.

std::optional<std::string> A71ChGetEccPublicKey(uint8_t key_idx)

Gets a public Elliptical Curve key from the A71.


key_idx – The key storage index to obtain the key. Note: The a71ch chip can only hold up to 4 key pairs, so this function will fail if key_idx > 3. See the manual referenced above for more info.


The public ECC key in index key_idx or std::nullopt if failed to retrieve.

std::optional<std::string> A71ChGetSha256(uint8_t *data, uint16_t data_len)

Gets the sha256 hash for a buffer of data.

  • data – The buffer to the raw data to generate the hash.

  • data_len – The length of the data buffer.


The sha256 hash for data or std::nullopt on failure.

std::optional<std::string> A71ChGetSha256(const std::vector<uint8_t> &data)

Gets the sha256 hash for a vector of data.


data – The raw data to generate the hash.


The sha256 hash for data or std::nullopt on failure.

std::optional<std::string> A71ChGetEccSignature(uint8_t key_idx, const uint8_t *sha, uint16_t sha_len)

Gets the Elliptical Curve signature for a hash.

  • key_idx – The key storage index of the public key to sign this hash.

  • sha – The buffer containing the sha256 hash of some data to sign.

  • sha_len – The length of the sha.


The Ecc Signature or std::nullopt on failure.

std::optional<std::string> A71ChGetEccSignature(uint8_t key_idx, const std::vector<uint8_t> &data)

Gets the Elliptical Curve signature for a hash.

  • key_idx – The key storage index of the public key to sign this hash.

  • sha – The sha256 hash for some data to sign.


The Ecc Signature or std::nullopt on failure.

std::optional<std::string> A71ChGetEccSignature(uint8_t key_idx, const std::string &sha)

Gets the Elliptical Curve signature for a hash.

  • key_idx – The key storage index of the public key to sign this hash.

  • sha – The string of sha256 hash for some data to sign.


The Ecc Signature or std::nullopt on failure.

bool A71ChEccVerify(uint8_t key_idx, const uint8_t *sha, uint16_t sha_len, const uint8_t *signature, uint16_t signature_len)

Verify whether signature is the signature of sha using ecc_key.

  • key_idx – The storage index of the ecc public key that was used to sign the sha.

  • sha – The sha256 hash to verify.

  • sha_len – The length of sha.

  • signature – The signature to verify.

  • signature_len – The length of the signature.


true if verify success, else false.

bool A71ChEccVerify(uint8_t key_idx, const std::string &sha, const std::string &signature)

Verify whether signature is the signature of sha using ecc_key.

  • key_idx – The storage index of the ecc public key that was used to sign the sha.

  • sha – The sha256 hash to verify.

  • signature – The signature to verify.


true if verify success, else false.

bool A71ChEccVerifyWithKey(const uint8_t *ecc_pub_key, uint16_t key_len, const uint8_t *sha, uint16_t sha_len, const uint8_t *signature, uint16_t signature_len)

Verify whether signature is the signature of sha using ecc_key.

  • ecc_pub_key – The Elliptical Curve public key to use in order to verify. Note: This must be the publickey from the same storage index that was used to sign the sha.

  • key_len – The length of ecc_pub_key.

  • sha – The sha256 hash to verify.

  • sha_len – The length of sha.

  • signature – The signature to verify.

  • signature_len – The length of the signature.


true if verify success, else false.

bool A71ChEccVerifyWithKey(const std::string &ecc_pub_key, const std::string &sha, const std::string &signature)

Verify whether signature is the signature of sha using ecc_key.

  • ecc_pub_key – The Elliptical Curve public key to use in order to verify. Note: This must be the publickey from the same storage index that was used to sign the sha.

  • sha – The sha256 hash to verify.

  • signature – The signature to verify.


true if verify success, else false.