Network APIs

APIs to perform various networking tasks, such as open server sockets on the Dev Board Micro, connect to other sockets as a client, create HTTP servers, connect to Wi-Fi networks, and more.


If using SSL (with Curl or Mbed TLS), you must first call A71ChInit() to initialize the a71ch crypto chip.

TCP/IP sockets

APIs to create TCP/IP network socket servers and client connections with the Dev Board Micro.

All socket communication is facilitated by read/write functions that require a socket file descriptor, which you can get by creating a new server with SocketServer(), accepting an incoming client connection with SocketAccept(), or initiating a client connection with SocketClient().

For an example, see examples/audio_streaming/.

namespace coralmicro


enum class IOStatus

Socket I/O status response codes.


enumerator kOk

Operation succeeded.

enumerator kEof

Reached end-of-file during read operation.

enumerator kError

An error occurred during operation.


IOStatus ReadBytes(int fd, void *bytes, size_t size)

Reads data from a socket file descriptor to a buffer.

  • fd – The file descriptor to read from.

  • bytes – The buffer to output the data.

  • size – The number of bytes to read.


The status result of the operation.

template<typename T>
IOStatus ReadArray(int fd, T *array, size_t array_size)

Read an array of data from a socket file descriptor.

  • fd – The file descriptor to read from.

  • array – The array to output the data to.

  • array_size – The size of the array.

Template Parameters

T – The data type of the array.


The status result of the operation.

IOStatus WriteBytes(int fd, const void *bytes, size_t size, size_t chunk_size = 1024)

Writes data from a buffer into a socket file descriptor.

  • fd – The file descriptor to write to.

  • bytes – The buffer of data to write.

  • size – The size of the buffer.

  • chunk_size – The size of the chunk to write.


The status result of the operation.

template<typename T>
IOStatus WriteArray(int fd, const T *array, size_t array_size)

Writes data from an array into a socket file descriptor.

  • fd – The file descriptor to write to.

  • array – The array of data to write.

  • size – The size of the array.

  • chunk_size – The size of the chunk to write.

Template Parameters

T – The data type of the array.


The status result of the operation.

IOStatus WriteMessage(int fd, uint8_t type, const void *bytes, size_t size, size_t chunk_size = 1024)

Writes a message with custom type from a buffer into a socket file descriptor.

The message is going to have a 40 bits prefix that contains 32 bits for the size and 8 bits for the custom message type, following by the bytes.

  • fd – The file descriptor to write to.

  • type – The type of the message. This parameter can be used to create custom message type.

  • bytes – The buffer of data to write.

  • size – The size of the buffer.

  • chunk_size – The size of the chunk to write.


The status result of the operation.

bool SocketHasPendingInput(int sockfd)

Checks whether a socket file descriptor still has some bytes to read.


sockfd – The socket file descriptor to check.


True if there are bytes remaining to read; false otherwise.

int SocketServer(int port, int backlog)

Starts a new TCP socket server.

  • port – The port to listen on.

  • backlog – The maximum length to which the queue of pending connections for sockfd may grow


The server’s socket file descriptor.

int SocketAccept(int sockfd)

Accepts a connection request from a listening socket.


sockfd – The listening socket file descriptor.


The client’s socket file descriptor.

void SocketClose(int sockfd)

Close a socket.


sockfd – The socket file descriptor to close.

int SocketClient(ip_addr_t ip, int port)

Starts a client-side connection with a server.

  • ip – The server’s ip address.

  • port – The server’s port number.


The server’s socket file descriptor.

int SocketClient(const char *host, int port)

Starts a client-side connection with a server.

  • host – The server’s hostname.

  • port – The server’s port number.


The server’s socket file descriptor.

int SocketAvailable(int sockfd)

Checks if a socket has available bytes to read.


sockfd – The socket file descriptor to check.


Number of bytes that can be read from the socket.

ip4_addr_t DnsGetServer()

Retrieves the configured DNS server for the network.


ip4_addr_t containing the IP address where DNS requests are sent.

void DnsSetServer(ip4_addr_t addr, bool persist)

Sets the DNS server for the network, and optionally persists it to flash memory.

  • addr – The address for the DNS server.

  • persist – True to persist the address to flash; false otherwise.

Ethernet network

APIs to get online via Ethernet and read network details.


Using Ethernet requires the Coral PoE Add-on board (or similar add-on).

To get started, just call EthernetInit(). If it returns true, then you’re connected to the network and you can use other functions to query details such as the board IP address and MAC address.

For example code that uses Curl over Ethernet, see examples/curl/.

namespace coralmicro


struct netif *EthernetGetInterface()

Gets the ethernet interface, which contains info like ip and hw addresses, interface names, etc.


A pointer to the netif ethernet interface, or nullptr if EthernetInit() has not been called or the POE add-on board failed to initialize. See:

bool EthernetInit(bool default_iface)

Initializes the ethernet module.

This function requires that the POE add-on board is connected and it must be called before EthernetGetInterface().


default_iface – True sets ethernet as the default network interface, false disables it.


True if ethernet successfully initialized; false otherwise.

std::optional<std::string> EthernetGetIp()

Gets the device’s Ethernet IP address, with a timeout of 30s.


A string representing the IPv4 IP address or std::nullopt on failure.

std::optional<std::string> EthernetGetIp(uint64_t timeout_ms)

Gets the device’s Ethernet IP address.


timeout_ms – Amount of time to wait for DHCP to finish, in milliseconds.


A string representing the IPv4 IP address or std::nullopt on failure.

std::array<uint8_t, 6> EthernetGetMacAddress()

Gets the assigned MAC address from the device fuses.


The MAC address assigned to the device.

std::optional<std::string> EthernetGetSubnetMask()
std::optional<std::string> EthernetGetSubnetMask(uint64_t timeout_ms)
std::optional<std::string> EthernetGetGateway()
std::optional<std::string> EthernetGetGateway(uint64_t timeout_ms)
int EthernetGetSpeed()

Retrieves the ethernet speed that is stored in flash memory.


The ethernet speed in Mbps. The default return value is 100, if no value is stored in flash.

bool EthernetSetStaticIp(ip4_addr_t addr)

Stores an IP address in flash memory, to be used as the Ethernet IP.


addr – IP address to store.


True if the address was stored successfully; false otherwise.

bool EthernetSetStaticSubnetMask(ip4_addr_t addr)

Stores an IP address in flash memory, to be used as the Ethernet subnet mask.


addr – IP address to store.


True if the address was stored successfully; false otherwise.

bool EthernetSetStaticGateway(ip4_addr_t addr)

Stores an IP address in flash memory, to be used as the Ethernet gateway address.


addr – IP address to store.


True if the address was stored successfully; false otherwise.

Wi-Fi network

APIs to get online and perform basic Wi-Fi tasks, such as scan for Wi-Fi networks, connect to a Wi-Fi network, and read network details.


Using Wi-Fi requires the Coral Wireless Add-on board (or similar add-on).

To get started, call WiFiTurnOn() to enable the Wi-Fi module, and then call WiFiConnect() to connect to a Wi-Fi network.

For example code that uses Curl over Wi-Fi, see examples/curl/.

namespace coralmicro


enum class WiFiAntenna

Represents the Wi-Fi antenna.


enumerator kInternal

Internal built in Wi-Fi antenna.

enumerator kExternal

External custom Wi-Fi antenna.


bool WiFiGetDefaultSsid(std::string *wifi_ssid_out)

Gets the Wi-Fi SSID that is stored in flash memory.


wifi_ssid_out – A pointer to a string in which to store the SSID.


True if the SSID was successfully retrieved; false otherwise.

bool WiFiSetDefaultSsid(const std::string &wifi_ssid)

Sets the Wi-Fi SSID in flash memory.


wifi_ssid – A pointer to a string containing the SSID.


True if the SSID was successfully stored; false otherwise.

bool WiFiGetDefaultPsk(std::string *wifi_psk_out)

Gets the Wi-Fi key that is stored in flash memory.


wifi_ssid_out – A pointer to a string in which to store the SSID.


True if the SSID was successfully retrieved; false otherwise.

bool WiFiSetDefaultPsk(const std::string &wifi_psk)

Sets the Wi-Fi key in flash memory.


wifi_psk – A pointer to a string containing the key.


True if the key was successfully stored; false otherwise.

bool WiFiTurnOn(bool default_iface)

Turns on the Wi-Fi module.


default_iface – True sets Wi-Fi as the default network interface.


True if successfully turned on; false otherwise.

bool WiFiTurnOff()

Turns off the Wi-Fi module.


True if successfully turned off; false otherwise.

bool WiFiIsConnected()

Checks if the board is connected to a Wi-Fi network.


True if it is connected; false otherwise.

bool WiFiConnect(const WIFINetworkParams_t &network_params, int retry_count = kDefaultRetryCount)

Connects to a Wi-Fi network.


True if successfully connected to Wi-Fi; false otherwise.

bool WiFiConnect(const char *ssid, const char *psk, int retry_count = kDefaultRetryCount)

Connects to a Wi-Fi network with the given network name and password.

  • ssid – The network name.

  • psk – The password for the ssid.

  • retry_count – The max number of connection attempts. Default is 5.


True if successfully connected to Wi-Fi; false otherwise.

bool WiFiConnect(int retry_count = kDefaultRetryCount)

Connects to the Wi-Fi network that’s saved on the device.

Internally, this API reads the stored ssid and password using utils::GetWiFiSSID() and utils::GetWiFiPSK(), which could both be set either during flash with the --wifi_ssid and --wifi_psk flags or with a direct call to utils::SetWiFiSSID() and utils::SetWiFiPSK().


retry_count – The max number of connection attempts. Default is 5.


True if successfully connected to Wi-Fi; false otherwise.

bool WiFiDisconnect(int retry_count = kDefaultRetryCount)

Disconnects from the Wi-Fi network.


retry_count – The max number of disconnect attempts. Default is 5.


True if Wi-Fi is successfully disconnected; false otherwise.

std::vector<WIFIScanResult_t> WiFiScan()

Scans for Wi-Fi networks.


A vector of WIFIScanResult_t which contains info like name, security type, etc. See:

std::optional<std::string> WiFiGetIp()

Gets the device’s Wi-Fi IP address.


A string representing the IPv4 IP address or std::nullopt on failure.

std::optional<std::array<uint8_t, 6>> WiFiGetMac()

Gets the device’s Wi-Fi MAC address.


Byte array containing the MAC address or std::nullopt on failure.

std::optional<std::array<uint8_t, 6>> WiFiGetBssid()

Gets the BSSID (MAC address of connected Access Point).


Byte array containing the MAC address or std::nullopt on failure.

std::optional<int32_t> WiFiGetRssi()

Gets the RSSI of the connected access point.


Signal strength in dBm or std::nullopt on failure.

void WiFiSetAntenna(WiFiAntenna antenna)

Sets which Wi-Fi antenna type to use (internal or external).


antenna – The type of antenna to use.


constexpr int kDefaultRetryCount = {5}

HTTP server

APIs to create an HTTP server on the Dev Board Micro.

To get started, create an instance of HttpServer and call UriHandler to specify a callback function that handles incoming requests. Then pass the HttpServer to UseHttpServer().

For example, this code creates an HTTP server that responds with a “Hello World” web page (from examples/http_server/):

namespace coralmicro {
namespace {

HttpServer::Content UriHandler(const char* path) {
  printf("Request received for %s\r\n", path);
  std::vector<uint8_t> html;
  if (std::strcmp(path, "/hello.html") == 0) {
    printf("Hello World!\r\n");
    StrAppend(&html, "<html><body>Hello World!</body></html>");
    return html;
  return {};

void Main() {
  printf("HTTP Server Example!\r\n");
  // Turn on Status LED to show the board is on.
  LedSet(Led::kStatus, true);

  printf("Starting server...\r\n");
  HttpServer http_server;

  std::string ip;
  if (GetUsbIpAddress(&ip)) {
    printf("GO TO:   http://%s/%s\r\n", ip.c_str(), "hello.html");

}  // namespace
}  // namespace coralmicro

extern "C" void app_main(void* param) {
namespace coralmicro
class HttpServer
#include <http_server.h>

Defines an HTTP server on the device.

This is a light wrapper around the lwIP stack. For more detail, see

For an example, see examples/http_server/

struct StaticBuffer
#include <http_server.h>

Defines a static buffer in which to return data from the server.

Public Members

const uint8_t *buffer

A pointer to the data buffer.

size_t size

The size of the buffer in bytes.

Public Functions

virtual ~HttpServer() = default
inline virtual err_t PostBegin(void *connection, const char *uri, const char *http_request, u16_t http_request_len, int content_len, char *response_uri, u16_t response_uri_len, u8_t *post_auto_wnd)

Called when an HTTP POST request is first received. This must be implemented by subclasses that want to handle posts.

  • connection – Unique connection identifier, valid until PostFinished() is called.

  • uri – The HTTP header URI receiving the POST request.

  • http_request – The raw HTTP request (the first packet, normally).

  • http_request_len – Size of ‘http_request’.

  • content_len – Content-Length from HTTP header.

  • response_uri – Filename of response file, to be filled when denying the request.

  • response_uri_len – Size of the ‘response_uri’ buffer.

  • post_auto_wnd – Set this to 0 to let the callback code handle window updates by calling httpd_post_data_recved (to throttle rx speed) default is 1 (httpd handles window updates automatically)

inline virtual err_t PostReceiveData(void *connection, struct pbuf *p)

Called for each packet buffer of data that is received for a POST.

  • connection – Unique connection identifier.

  • p – Received data as a pbuf. ATTENTION: Your application is responsible for freeing the pbufs!

inline virtual void PostFinished(void *connection, char *response_uri, u16_t response_uri_len)

Called when all data is received or when the connection is closed. The application must return the filename/URI of a file to send in response to this POST request. If the response_uri buffer is untouched, a 404 response is returned.

  • connection – Unique connection identifier.

  • response_uri – Filename of response file, to be filled when denying the request.

  • response_uri_len – Size of the ‘response_uri’ buffer.

inline virtual void CgiHandler(struct fs_file *file, const char *uri, int iNumParams, char **pcParam, char **pcValue)

Called once to handle CGI for every URI with parameters.

  • file – The file received.

  • uri – The HTTP header URI.

  • iNumParams – The number of parameters in the URI.

  • pcParam – Parameter names from the URI.

  • pcValue – Values for each parameter. file, uri, count, http_cgi_params, http_cgi_param_vals

virtual int FsOpenCustom(struct fs_file *file, const char *name)

Called first for every opened file to allow opening custom files that are not included in fsdata(_custom).c.

virtual int FsReadCustom(struct fs_file *file, char *buffer, int count)

Called to read custom files.

virtual void FsCloseCustom(struct fs_file *file)

Called to close custom files.

inline void AddUriHandler(UriHandler handler)

Adds a URI handler function for the server.

You can specify multiple handlers and incoming requests will be sent to the handlers in the order that each handler was added with this function. That is, the first handler you add receives all requests first, and if it does not handle it, then it is sent to the next handler, and so on.


handler – A callback function to handle each incoming HTTP request. It must accept the URI path as a char string and return the response as Content.

Public Types

using Content = std::variant<std::monostate, std::string, std::vector<uint8_t>, StaticBuffer>

Defines the allowed response types returned by AddUriHandler(). Successful requests will typically respond with the content in a string, a dynamic buffer (a vector), or a StaticBuffer, or an empty vector if the URI is unhandled.

using UriHandler = std::function<Content(const char *uri)>

Represents the callback function type required by AddUriHandler().


void UseHttpServer(HttpServer *server)

Starts an HTTP server.

To handle server requests, you must pass your implementation of UriHandler() to AddUriHandler().


The – server to start.

RPC HTTP server

APIs to create an RPC server on the Dev Board Micro.

The setup is the same as HttpServer but you must pass an instance of JsonRpcHttpServer to UseHttpServer() and also initialize jsonrpc.


You must also include third_party/mjson/src/mjson.h to initialize with jsonrpc_init() and specify RPC functions with jsonrpc_export().

For example, this code creates an RPC server that responds with the board serial number (from examples/rpc_server/):

namespace coralmicro {
namespace {

void SerialNumber(struct jsonrpc_request* r) {
  auto serial = GetSerialNumber();
  jsonrpc_return_success(r, "{%Q:%.*Q}", "serial_number", serial.size(),

void Main() {
  printf("RPC Server Example!\r\n");
  // Turn on Status LED to show the board is on.
  LedSet(Led::kStatus, true);

  jsonrpc_init(nullptr, nullptr);
  jsonrpc_export("serial_number", SerialNumber);
  UseHttpServer(new JsonRpcHttpServer);
  printf("RPC server ready\r\n");

}  // namespace
}  // namespace coralmicro

extern "C" void app_main(void* param) {
namespace coralmicro
class JsonRpcHttpServer : public coralmicro::HttpServer
#include <rpc_http_server.h>

Public Functions

inline explicit JsonRpcHttpServer(struct jsonrpc_ctx *ctx = &jsonrpc_default_context)
virtual err_t PostBegin(void *connection, const char *uri, const char *http_request, u16_t http_request_len, int content_len, char *response_uri, u16_t response_uri_len, u8_t *post_auto_wnd) override

Called when an HTTP POST request is first received. This must be implemented by subclasses that want to handle posts.

  • connection – Unique connection identifier, valid until PostFinished() is called.

  • uri – The HTTP header URI receiving the POST request.

  • http_request – The raw HTTP request (the first packet, normally).

  • http_request_len – Size of ‘http_request’.

  • content_len – Content-Length from HTTP header.

  • response_uri – Filename of response file, to be filled when denying the request.

  • response_uri_len – Size of the ‘response_uri’ buffer.

  • post_auto_wnd – Set this to 0 to let the callback code handle window updates by calling httpd_post_data_recved (to throttle rx speed) default is 1 (httpd handles window updates automatically)

virtual err_t PostReceiveData(void *connection, struct pbuf *p) override

Called for each packet buffer of data that is received for a POST.

  • connection – Unique connection identifier.

  • p – Received data as a pbuf. ATTENTION: Your application is responsible for freeing the pbufs!

virtual void PostFinished(void *connection, char *response_uri, u16_t response_uri_len) override

Called when all data is received or when the connection is closed. The application must return the filename/URI of a file to send in response to this POST request. If the response_uri buffer is untouched, a 404 response is returned.

  • connection – Unique connection identifier.

  • response_uri – Filename of response file, to be filled when denying the request.

  • response_uri_len – Size of the ‘response_uri’ buffer.

virtual void CgiHandler(struct fs_file *file, const char *uri, int iNumParams, char **pcParam, char **pcValue) override

Called once to handle CGI for every URI with parameters.

  • file – The file received.

  • uri – The HTTP header URI.

  • iNumParams – The number of parameters in the URI.

  • pcParam – Parameter names from the URI.

  • pcValue – Values for each parameter. file, uri, count, http_cgi_params, http_cgi_param_vals

virtual int FsOpenCustom(struct fs_file *file, const char *name) override

Called first for every opened file to allow opening custom files that are not included in fsdata(_custom).c.

virtual void FsCloseCustom(struct fs_file *file) override

Called to close custom files.

RPC utils

namespace coralmicro


void JsonRpcReturnBadParam(struct jsonrpc_request *request, const char *message, const char *param_name)

Response a JSONRPC_ERROR_BAD_PARAMS code to the requester.

  • request – The request to response to.

  • message – The message to send back to the requester.

  • param_name – The name of the bad param.

bool JsonRpcGetIntegerParam(struct jsonrpc_request *request, const char *param_name, int *out)

Gets an integer param from RPC request.

  • request – The request to parse the integer.

  • param_name – The name of the parameter to parse.

  • out – The integer to return the value to.


True if the param were parsed successfully, else False.

bool JsonRpcGetBooleanParam(struct jsonrpc_request *request, const char *param_name, bool *out)

Gets a boolean param from RPC request.

  • request – The request to parse the boolean.

  • param_name – The name of the parameter to parse.

  • out – The boolean to return the value to.


True if the param were parsed successfully, else False.

bool JsonRpcGetStringParam(struct jsonrpc_request *request, const char *param_name, std::string *out)

Gets a string param from RPC request.

  • request – The request to parse the string.

  • param_name – The name of the parameter to parse.

  • out – The string to return the value to.


True if the param were parsed successfully, else False.

bool JsonRpcGetBase64Param(struct jsonrpc_request *request, const char *param_name, std::vector<uint8_t> *out)

Gets a base64 encoded string param from RPC request.

  • request – The request to parse the string.

  • param_name – The name of the parameter to parse.

  • out – The output array to return the value to.


True if the param were parsed successfully, else False.

Device information


namespace coralmicro


uint64_t GetUniqueId()

Gets the 64-bit unique identifiers of the RT1176.


64-bit value that is unique to the device.

std::string GetSerialNumber()

Gets the hex string representation of the unique identifier.


String containing the 64-bit unique identifier, as a printable hex string.

bool GetUsbIpAddress(std::string *usb_ip_out)

Gets the USB IP address that is stored in flash memory.


usb_ip_out – A pointer to a string in which to store a printable version of the IP.


True if the address was successfully retrieved; false otherwise.

bool GetIpFromFile(const char *path, ip4_addr_t *addr)

Attempts to open a given file at path, and if the contents are an IP address, return them in addr.

  • path – File path to read an address from.

  • addr – Pointer to an ip4_addr_t that the address will be stored in.


True if successful; false otherwise.